About Us


Hi, I'm Kedumetse Mvula and I am passionate about Radical Self-Care.

For me "Radical Self-Care” is about being intentional in taking care of yourself from the inside out. It involves embracing practices and  habits that keep you physically and psychologically healthy; making time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings; challenging yourself to learn; and to heal and grow. Most importantly it is focusing your energy on things that you value; what matters most to you and what grounds you. It is also about restoration to self; resisting the pressures to comply and conform; and above all to remain true to your authentic self. 

I consider this self-care “radical” because it mainly changes how you make choices about allocating your time, money and energy for yourself. This can feel and seem selfish, especially if you have always shown up as a “superhuman” who is always available to care for everyone else except yourself. This can require inner work which can be challenging. You will need to commit to the journey of learning good selfcare practices and habits. “True self-care is not an event, it’s about making the choice to build a life you don’t need to escape from” - Brianna Wiest.

Like most people, I thought sacrificing my needs to please others showed them how much I loved them and or how much I was committed to my career. I have also over the years personally experienced effects of unprocessed grief, anxiety, stress and burnout. I adopted bad habits to cope with my days until nothing seemed to work and it felt like my mind and body was not coping. I have come to realise that I have the responsibility to adopt practices that enable me to take care of myself first before attempting to take care of others. It’s necessary to fill my cup first and then to fill others from the overflow. “Taking care of myself doesn’t mean “me first”. It means “me too” – L.R Knosts

Through my love of making candles, I have discovered the power of scent and the sense of calm it evokes and how it uplifts my mood. As a result, candles have become an integral part of my daily selfcare routine.

I am very excited to share with you products that positively influenced my radical self-care and restoration journey. These have made it easy for me to give myself permission to inhale, pause, reflect and just be…